Cup Characteristics: savoury, pleasant citrus notes, milk chocolate, tea leaves, balanced, smooth soft body, delicate clean finish, smooth, tea-like, sweet, floral, lemony, bright acidity. A great all-around coffee with refined sweetness, leaving an elegant aftertaste.
100% Arabica • Farm Direct
FREE delivery within the UK! Contact us for discounted prices for 6kg+.
Choose green beans for home roasting, roasted-to-order whole beans or freshly roasted ground coffee. Roasted within 48-hours of placing your order and posted the following day. Heat-sealed In a one-way valved bag, our 250g and 500g bags are resealable for lasting freshness.
- Region: Sidamo
- Growing Altitude: 1600 – 1900 m.a.s.l.
- Arabica Variety: Heirloom Varietals
- Harvest Period: October – December
- Milling Process: Fully Washed
- Aroma: flowers citrus cocoa light
- Flavour: Tea Like, lemony
- Body: Soft yet smooth body
- Acidity: Citrusy and Bright
This type is grown in the Sidamo region south of the capital, Addis Ababa. It is the most southern and most productive province in the country. The region is well known for having ideal climate conditions for growing coffee. This is all due to high altitudes of between 1600 - 1900 meters, ample rainfall, optimal temperature, and rich soil.
Washed Sidamo is typically high-quality coffee with unique flavours like sweet lemon and floral, and an ideal balance between acidity and body. Sometimes this type can be compared favourably with coffee from the Yirgacheffe region.
This Speciality Coffee is Farm Direct from Inter American Specialty Green Coffee Importers‚Ä®
Ethiopia is located in the horn of Africa and is bordered by Somalia to the Southeast, Djibouti to the east, Kenya to the south, Sudan to the east, and Eritrea to the northeast. It occupies the high plateau region between the Nile plains of the Sudan and Eritrea. Ethiopia is one of the largest countries in Africa with an area of over 1.13 million square kilometres. It has a rugged topography with altitudes ranging from around 100 meters below sea level in the Danakil depression to 4,600 meters above sea level in the Semien Mountains.
Ethiopia is the primary centre of origin of the Arabica coffee plant. Coffea Arabica has been growing wild in the forests of the Southwestern Highlands of Kaffa and Buno districts of Ethiopia for thousands of years. As legend has it, coffee was discovered in Ethiopia in the 9th century by a goat-herder named Kaldi. He noticed that his goats became hyper after eating the cherries from the coffee tree, so he tried it himself. A monk approached Kaldi after he consumed the cherries and took some to his monastery. The monk roasted and brewed the coffee to share with other monks. As a result, they were able to stay awake during long nights of prayer. Since then, coffee has been widely accepted as a stimulant drink.
Ethiopia has over 70 ethnic groups that speak over 200 languages. As a result, coffee is referred to as Bunna (Amharic), Bun (Tigrigna), Buna (Oromifa), Bono (Kefficho), and Kawa (Guragigna). Some argue that most names for coffee are derived from the names of the districts Kafa and Buno. The French and Spanish call it Cafe, the Italians call it Caffe, the Germans call it Kaffee, the Finnish call it Kahvi, the Dutch call it Koffie, and the Greeks call it Kafes. All are phonetic approximations of the Ethiopian word.
When you buy your speciality coffee from Lalico Coffee, you support small farms producing high-quality coffees. Many benefit from Fairtrade Federation and Rainforest Alliance initiatives that protect workers’ rights and the environment.
Our coffee is hand-roasted to order for you. I guarantee it hasn't been sitting on a supermarket shelf for weeks getting stale! Every batch is individually profile roasted with care. Every coffee has different characteristics, and therefore its individual profile is replicated, keeping high quality consistent.
Kessy and I would like you to experiment with new flavours from different countries, so we often send free samples with your order for you to enjoy.
Lalico Coffee supplies artisan coffees to individuals, cafés, restaurants and hotels. Please contact us directly for our discounted prices for 6kg and more.